Hopelessly Hopeful

I am a hopeless romantic

and what I mean is that I hope true love exists

because I’m tired of always being a maybe

on somebody else’s list

So until I know, I’ll keep finding

different ways to cope

so I can heal these wounds on my heart

bound by a hopeless rope

Like dancing and singing

reading and writing

going for long walks

cooking and baking

watching T.V.

friends and late night talks

I used to think love was a weekend activity

like looking forward to Friday night

the meeting completely unplanned

but only falling when the timing was right

Love could only find me on Saturday morning

in a coffee shop or a thrift store

unbeknownst I’d walk out different

than who I was mere minutes before

When I had the best of me on display

hair and makeup done

always laughing


I’m only desired when I’m fun

Love was standing in front of him

ignoring the melting ice in my hand

and now I’m anxious around new people

because I’m not sure they can understand

why I’m a hopeless romantic

at what point did I decide to be?

Or was I born simply knowing

a piece of my soul exists outside of me?

Perhaps. Maybe. I’m not really sure

love has always come in with “I’ll stay” promises

just to walk on out the door

I hope love shows up for me in different ways

like when the cab leaves as I flag it

but another is close behind

when the man I love deserted me

maybe love kept me in mind

My hope is stored in a heart-shaped factory

the supply is endlessly made

so I refuse to waste any more time

wishing he would have stayed

I choose to focus on the present

because love brought me home

I can cook my own dinners

watch “When Harry Met Sally” alone

Hopeful in the sense that I am hope overflowing

hopeful that I find happiness

wherever I end up going

and I hope that what I find

has become good friends with age

because he keeps growing older

but he never turns the page

And I hope love is abundant

able to see the stars through the mist

because I’m so tired of being a maybe

on somebody else’s list

And I hope love pours into me

like waves crashing into the shore

always lifting me up

never leaving me wanting more

And I believe that love is real

just as the sky is blue

because even when storms rage on

I’ll be a hopeful romantic for you

This entry was posted in Lessons, Love, Personal, Poetry. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Hopelessly Hopeful

  1. Jeff says:

    Good to see you again. Beautiful expression of your feelings/thoughts. I hope, with you, that “love pours into [you] like waves crashing into the shore.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. David S Brown says:

    They say hope springs eternal the way you make your expressions and pour your heart into your words is amazing may God bless you and bring you everlasting hope and joy to your life!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad to read your work again, Kristian.! Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m not sure what to write here. I’m honored to be someone who understands the vulnerable truth in these words. And the writing of them is brilliant. But I feel like I’m standing a bit too close to a mirror I don’t want to face. Nonetheless, I am thrilled that you are penning the thoughts and emotions in black and white, and that you aren’t afraid to share them with the world. I wish I had your courage…

    And while this goes without saying, I love you, Kristian!

    Liked by 1 person

    • kristianw84 says:

      When I lost my grandmother at the age of eight, I learned how therapeutic it was to turn my pain into art. In my adolescence, I realized how other’s words brought me comfort. I knew then that if I could use my words to help others through their pain, I wanted to do that. I’m sorry this hits so close to home for you.

      I love you, too, Jody!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. joyroses13 says:

    Wonderful to see a post from you again! Touching words from your heart ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hakim Belaid Maeyouf says:

    So happy to read something from you again.

    take care dear

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rich Havyer says:

    I want to say I know the feeling, I don’t. I can say I’ve been in a similar frame of mind, I was. 31 years ago tomorrow, when I held the 7 lb 12 ounce baby in my arms, I knew I finally had a purpose. I put everything I had into that and it will never end. I was wondering aimlessly until then. You will find what you are looking for. I know you will. I hope I helped.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kristianw84 says:

      Thank you! I think I found it, but I wasn’t enough for him, so I’ll just have to pick up my broken pieces and create my own happiness. I just know in my heart he was it for me.


  8. Lisa Orchard says:

    Wow. Awesome poem. Love will come when you least expect it, and it will surprise you when it does. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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