5 Things, Part 2

Yesterday I shared the first part of the 5 things challenge. If you missed that post, you can find it here.

I was inspired to do this post by Melanie, author of Sparks From a Combustible Mind. I put my own twist on this challenge and decided to do 5 of each category:

  • 5 Books
  • 5 Movies
  • 5 Songs

Yesterday’s topic was books, so today’s topic is movies.

Thank you, Melanie, for the inspiration!!


5 Movies You Should Watch If You Want To Know Me Better

movie quotes

  1. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

when harry met sally

I have mentioned this movie a few times now. It is one of my all time favorites. I am very much like Sally. There is a quote at the end of the movie where Harry says he loves that it takes her an hour and a half just to order a sandwich. I chuckle every time, because sometimes I can be that indecisive. You will also get a feel for my sense of humor in this film. I have seen this movie a hundred times, and I laugh at the “Paprikash” scene every. single. time. Of course, it’s a romantic comedy, so I  feel all warm and gushy every time I watch it.


Gahh! I’m gushing all over again, this quote gets me every time! You might need to come mop me up, because I’ve melted into a puddle! ❤

2. Into The Wild


into the wild

There are pieces of me all throughout this movie. It speaks to me on so many levels. First of all, the scenery has my adventurous spirit running wild! I am yearning to travel and go on a long road trip!

Secondly, the writing. Oh my gosh, I have never seen a movie with so many wonderful and inspiring quotes! The writing is absolutely phenomenal.

Lastly, the soundtrack. There isn’t one song on this soundtrack that I don’t like!

into the wild quote

There were so many awesome quotes it was hard to narrow it down, but I am longing to see a new horizon!

3. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington


I wrote a post about this movie. I fell in love with it, but I pretty much am Mr. Smith. He refuses to give up, and even passes out at one point during the film, because he refuses to give up on what he believes in, and loses so much sleep while fighting for his beliefs. He doesn’t care if other people think he’s crazy, as long as he does what he believes to be the right thing, nothing is going to stop him. I am very much like that. Once I set my sights on something, you’d be hard pressed to stop me from achieving it. Especially if it’s something I’m passionate about and truly believe in! This is a must watch film, and I absolutely adore Jimmy Stewart.


It is the lost causes I go to bat for. This movie was made in 1939 and it is still very relevant today. We could all learn something from this movie.

4. Young Frankenstein


I wracked my brain trying to think of a comedy that best describes my humor, and I kept coming back to this one. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this movie!! Gene Wilder is so funny, and there’s just so much chaos and different kinds of humor. It is another movie that makes me laugh, no matter how many times I’ve seen it!


Bahahaha!!! There is so many funny quotable’s in this movie!!

5. Across The Universe

across the universe

This is another one of my all time favorite films! I am a HUGE Beatles fan. I’ve loved them longer than I can remember.

The songs of the Beatles provide the framework for this musical tale, making for stunning, imaginative imagery, and a delightful soundtrack. Follow Jude as he sets sail for American from Britain, in search of his father. He meets Max, and his sister Lucy, as well as a few other rather eccentric characters.

Jude & Lucy develop feeling for one another, but their relationship is threatened by the social complications that accompany the Vietnam war.

across the universe

I love this movie so much!! If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. I am now longing to see it again!!

There you have it. The 5 movies that have pieces of me hidden throughout the story lines, quotes, humor, and soundtrack.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the 5 songs you should listen to if you want to get to know me better.

Have you seen any of these movies? What are your opinions? What movies should I watch to get a better understanding of who you are?

Love & life lessons,



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18 Responses to 5 Things, Part 2

  1. Nice quote on new horizons. I agree totally.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What an intriguing mix! I’ve seen them all except “Across the Universe” and guess what I’ll be searching for? Thanks for the recommend.
    Now as to my list (which is, in part shared on the original post):
    What Dreams May Come. This is my hoped for “Heaven” scenario. A place we go where nothing is impossible and things make total sense to the Creator of that heaven.
    The Fisher King. There’s a Robin Williams’ theme running through some of these. I really admired hiim once. Anyway this film hits my “mental health and love of tales of chivalry” button. A beautiful love story in one sense, a comedy in another, poignant and gritty.
    The Green Mile. Everyone knows this film and the plot and so forth. I still weep when they get to the ending. Because yes, “sometimes that mile is so long..”
    The Shawshank Redemption. (Stephen King’s work again) A great friendship and how to endure tragedy and trials with grace movie. I’ve never been incarcerated, but if I had, I hope I’d have been able to overcome like the Tim Robbins’ character did in the film.
    There are a dozen more I could share as #5 on the list, but we’d be here all day and I can’t actually choose…Maybe I’ll go with another Morgan Freeman film “The Magic of Belle Isle”. Just a great film when one is feeling low or bad about humanity in general. It lifts my spirits every time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kristianw84 says:

      Your choices are wonderful!! I love The Green Mile & Shawshank too! I haven’t seen The Fisher King, but now I will be searching for that too. You’ll have to let me know your thoughts on Across The Universe!! Thank you for sharing these with me! Like you, I could go on & on as well!


  3. Amir says:

    Trailer of the movie “Across The Universe” looks interesting and I plan on watching it. Thanks for the suggest.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kristianw84 says:

      It is amazing!! You have to let me know your thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amir says:

        Just finished watching the movie “Across The Universe” and its totally different than how I thought it will be from watching its trailer earlier. Its become my favorite instantly since I’m also one of many anti-war individuals out there. That sprinkle of love between Jude and Lucy made it more powerful than the usual anti-war movies out there. And songs definitely made it one of the few musicals with a powerful message conveyed to people’s heads and souls. Thanks Kristen for suggesting such an awesome movie and making my evening wonderful watching it 🙂 💕🌹👍


  4. Nathan AM Smith says:

    Wow you reminded me how I need to get on top of my movie watching!! I love Mr. Smith (hahaha I literally just thought about how that’s my last name, too hahaha) but I haven’t seen the rest yet! Now I gotta!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. When Harry Met Sally is a classic. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Movie Review: Across The Universe (2007) | Notes

  7. aguycalledbloke says:

    Hey Madam K, l have just tagged you for a quick poistively musical challenge!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: 5 Things, Part 3 | Life Lessons From Around the Dinner Table

  9. sundaymorningwithsandy.com says:

    I have not seen Across The Universe, Into The Wild or Mr. Smith but wrote them down to remember!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

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