The Barnabas & Sunshine Blogger Awards

I have been nominated for two awards. I don’t usually participate in awards, however; I do enjoy answering the questions, and I feel that this is a great way for us to get to know the authors behind the blogs!

The first award I was nominated for is the Barnabas Award by Stuart, author of Something to Stu over. Thanks Stu!!

You can read Stu’s original post where I was nominated in the link below:

The Barnabas Award


Stu’s Questions:

  1. Which song picks you up the minute you hear it?
  • There are many, but the first one that came to mind was Might As Well Dance by Jason Mraz

2. In your short time on this Earth who has been your biggest inspiration?

  • My dad. He has endured a lot of trauma in his life. His dad walked out on him and his siblings when my dad was only 9. He grew up in poverty and often had to fight for his meals, he was beaten with a switch by his mom until the blood ran down in his shoes. He was told that he was worthless and would never amount to anything. He dropped out of school at the age of 15 and ran away from home, hitchhiking his way to Texas. He met a woman when he was 19, married her, came home and found her in bed with another man. He divorced her and eventually met my mom, and realized he had more to offer than what he had been told. My mom’s family fell in love with him and took him in as one of their own. My grandfather got him a job at the County Roads Department, where only a couple of years later my dad became foreman, and 10 years after his retirement is still known as one of the best workers that Roads Department has ever had! He raised my brother and me, he gave us great advice, helped us when we were in trouble, held us when we were sick, came to as many plays, concerts, and marching band competitions as he possible could. He put food on our table, clothes on our backs, and although we weren’t rich, we never wanted for anything. My dad has overcame poverty, loneliness, mental health issues, numerous traumas, a heart attack, and cancer, and he still manages to laugh and smile, and find beauty in the world. Yeah, I’d definitely say my dad has been my biggest inspiration. 

3. Who is your biggest encourager blog wise?

  • Outside of the blogosphere, but still in regards to blogging and writing in general, my husband, and my friends, Amanda & Christen. They are constantly praising my writing, and they give me great confidence! 

     In the blogosphere, Laura Beth, author of Hot Shot Headlines, Mathew, author of Blog Of The Wolf Boy, and Nathan, author of The Myth of Prometheus have been my biggest supporters and encouragers. 

4. How can you be a better Barnabas to those around you?

  • Well, I try to give back to my community as much as I can. I haven’t sold my land or anything as Barnabas did, but I try to contribute by shopping local, volunteering, and I work for an agency that helps those living in poverty. 

5. How do you encourage that friend who is going through a hard time?

  • It depends on the situation, but I try to encourage them by just being there. Whether they need a listening ear, a hug, someone to just sit with them, a warm meal, someone to take them places, etc… I always try to make a point to let me friends know I am ALWAYS here for them. I may not be able to get to them the second they need me, but I will always make time for them.

Thanks again, Stu!!

The second blog I was nominated for is The Sunshine Blogger award by The Story Teller, author of Brothers’ Campfire. Thank you, Story Teller!

You can read the original post where I was nominated below:

Sunshine Blogger Award



Sunshine Blogger Award

The Story Teller’s Questions:

  1. How many days would you last in solitary confinement? How would you pass the time?
  • I’m not sure how many days I’d last exactly, but I don’t think I would last very long. I would really miss my friends and family. I think I could last a few weeks at least before I completely lost my mind though. I’d pass the time by reading and writing, and if it were allowed, listening to music.

2. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

  • I thought that Neil Armstrong was the man in the moon. I overheard my teacher say something about the “man in the moon” and I thought they meant the moon was his home. So I just assumed they were talking about Neil, and I even wrote a whole story about how he lived on the moon, and when he needed supplies he would just go to the space station. Hahaha! It was like the Walmart of space!!

3. Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?

  • Definitely unleash the potential of others. I am not assertive or dominate enough to build my own empire. Lol.

4. In what area of your life are you immature?

  • Pretty much all areas. Lol. I know when I need to be professional, and there’s a time and a place for everything, but I still laugh at inappropriate jokes, and I have a bit of  a dark sense of humor.

5. When do you find yourself singing?

  • ALL OF THE TIME!! I think I drive my husband and coworkers crazy! Hahaha! I sing about what I’m doing. I’ll grab a fork and call it a thingamabob and start singing “Part of Your World.” I sing “Choppin’ broccolieeee,” every time I chop broccoli. Every. Single. Time. I make up my own songs throughout the day. I sing along to the radio, I sing songs that get stuck in my head. Sometimes when I walk through double doors I hum “The Empire March.” Yeah, I’m constantly singing. 

6. What are you willing to die for?

  • The people I love!

7. What job would you be terrible at?

  • I think I wold make a horrible Proctologist. :p

8. What kind of art do you enjoy most?

  • Well, I really love Van Gogh, so, impressionist?

9. What is special to you about where you grew up?

  • The sense of community. I live in a very rural town where everyone knows everyone, which is both a blessing and a curse, but the great thing about it is everyone comes together in times of need. A lot of people are willing to help out their fellow man. Fall here is also really special to me. It’s so beautiful, and I’m so glad I live somewhere that has such colorful Octobers!

10. What small things make your day better?

  • The first sip of 3:00 pm coffee after a hectic work day
  • Forehead kisses from Neil
  • Random questions from Amanda
  • Silly Snap Chats from Christen, Amanda, and Caitlyn
  • “I love you” text messages from Neil
  • Visits with Uncle Bob
  • When I get to play with a baby or puppy at work
  • Finding the pull through parking spot
  • When a coworker or friend surprises me with something
  • When I get a London Fog
  • Hearing my favorite song on the radio
  • Listening to Justin Long’s Podcast
  • Jokes from my brother
  • A long, hot shower at the end of the day

11. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?

  • I would love to be a full time author/writer/food and travel blogger.

Thank you again, Story teller!

And as always, thank you for reading.

Love & life lessons,


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17 Responses to The Barnabas & Sunshine Blogger Awards

  1. The V Pub says:

    Congrats on both awards. I love reading these, because it gives us insight to the person writing the blogs.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for participating Kristian! Your dad…best reply ever to a question! Priceless! Your are blessed to have a dad like that!

    I loved all you answers on both awards!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sadje says:

    Congratulations Kristian. Lovely answers. Your Father is a special man!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations on the awards! I will be sure to just ask questions next time!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely answers! I don’t think I’ve heard of the Barnaby award though!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Reely Bernie says:

    Thank God for the 3pm sip of coffee to make it through the second half of the day! I couldn’t relate more to this. It helps me get through rehearsal, dinner prep, or the gym. Congrats on this. Well deserved 🙂 Neil Armstrong…hahaha!

    Liked by 2 people

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